Shan Jixiang (China),Curator,Director, the Palace Museum,Senior Architect,Registered City Planner.
Dr. Shan Jixiang has become the Director ofthe Palace Museum since January 2012. He hasbeen the member of both the tenth and the eleventhNational Committees of the Chinese People's PoliticalConsultative Conference (CPPCC), and is a member ofthe twelfth National Committee of the CPPCC, and thePresident of Cultural Relics Society of China.
As a student of China’s renowned academician,Professor Wu Liangyong, Dr. Shan graduated fromthe School of Architecture, Tsinghua University andreceived the Eng. D degree. He is a doctoral supervisorand adjunct professor of a number of universities andcolleges, including Peking University and TsinghuaUniversity. In March 2005, Dr. Shan received theInternational Leadership Award issued by the AmericanPlanning Association (APA). In September 2014, Dr.Shan was awarded the Forbes Prize by the InternationalInstitute for Conservation of Historic and ArtisticWorks.
His published works include over a hundredacademic theses and more than ten monographs such asCultural Heritage-Thoughts and Practice, etc.